Landscape lights

Gobo light


-Gobo lights (logo projector)

- Project lights on the desired place, including building walls, street floors, and ceilings, to improve lighting and deliver information

Available for safety (school zone, crosswalk, safe return home street for women, etc.), facility (shared scooter and bicycles storage, walking trail, art gallery, etc.), environment (non-smoking area, faces and urine from companion animals, wastes, etc.), urban regeneration, and invigorate local economy (traditional market, promoting local areas)

- Used hemispherical advanced focus lens made in Korea 

- Rotation-type (making four gobo images)

- Two times more light-type (project images even to far distances and bright areas) 

- Two times larger angle-type (project lights to four times larger areas from the same distance)

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Product Specifications

Procurement No. 24391995​
Color temperature(K)​ 8000~8500​
Energy consumption(W) 100
Brightness(lux) 1850(based on 3m)
Dimensions(mm)​ 386*159*159​
Angle of view(°) 19
Gobo Size(mm) OD(37.5), ID(28)​

Distribution of light distribution